2 days ago, I just had my long waited sparring. I don't know if I am lucky or not, but both of my opponent are colour belt (non-black belt). This is the thing, both of them are big size. And I mean big.....Bigger than me, practically, I'm fighting 2 wall. Never mind, get back to the sparring. My first opponent is a 25 years old guy, much bigger and taller than me, he is a black tip, just below black belt. So I expect me to get owned...Yeah, I got owned by him a little. He won't budge when I kick him, even with my side kick, he only budge little. I did a turning kick, which hit my arm, a front kick, which hit my waist, a back thrust, which hit my shoulder. None of his kicks land on the padding, but sure hurt a little. I finally did a charging side kick, the bounce me back and I flew. Yeah, I lew, I can feel that my body and leg are not on the ground. I flew like half a meter, landed and did a break roll to cut the force acting on me. I lost that round... Then I fought another yellow belt, this time I own that guy. He stunt when I shouted and I just land every single kick on him. I fight serious every time and take it as tournament. But the coach not happy I fight so seriously in class. It was suppose to be exchanging of skills, my aggressiveness is not very ethnical(sp?) during class. But how would I care so much if I start sparring? The previous guy never hit the padding but my unprotected part, the coach never stop him, so not fair.
This game review will be one of the worst game of the franchise, although the rating was high to other people, but this is my personal comment about it. The game is:

Yes, the great dragon quest frachise, one of the latest series. Yeah, right..The great piece of fucking shit, this games sucks ass from a straw coming out from a pool of shit.
The music is a piece of shit, a real deal of fucking shit that no one can really think of that. You know what, I can count the number of music in the game using my finger. The music is too repitive for RPG, I keep hearing the same music when ever I go, no matter is in the world map, town, battle or whatever, the music just keeps going on and on and on and FUCKING ON!!! Fuck! It is boring to hear the same music throughout the at least 30 hour game play. I will die of repetitive music fucking my ear.
Gameplay, this section also sucks, but not that much....Wait...what am I talking about? Not much, it is fucking bullshit!!! The battle, there is no tactic can be formed. The only thing you can do is, slash, slash, slash, magic, heal once in a while. That is the shit, there is no tactic to be formed. I just keep doing the same thing throughout the battles, the boss battle will make it sucks even more.
The graphic is pretty nice, it is cell-shade, looks like drawing. But there is one thing I hate, the day and night transition. It just change suddenly, no warning, no nothing. Some time when we want to do things, then suddenly turn to night and you can't do it since it need to be in the day. That is a fucking bullshit.
The extra in the game are quite nice, like getting weapons. The weapon design are cool, I like it. But it is the only thing I like in the entire fucking game, not enough for me to play the whole game to see the weapon.
In short, this game is not worth the money to buy it. The gameplay, music and the day and night transition already made the game fuck shit, to make it worst, the character don't talk. Why again? Why you make the character a mute? Making a mute go around the world, fighting evil forces while not utter a single word? That is just a fucking shit from hell. Never buy this game, this game is the worst mother fucking bullshit ever existed, the worst abomination of man kind. I rather die in a pool of mixture of shit and urine than playing this game, I rather drink vomit than touching it, gamers, don't buy or play this game!!!