Sunday, April 26, 2009

Super angry about this thing.

This is an article about how the media in china talked about ultraman. To me, you can say anything bad to me, but not ultraman. I watched ultraman ever since I was a kid, I don't idolise them, they are hero to me. They taught me a lot of things in life. Sorry for those who can't understand what it is talking. It is saying that in a news report, the reporter said that ultraman is a violent TV show that should be banned in china. It is even banned in Japan. First of all, it is not banned, NOT BANNED! It is all over the world, people idolised them and rumoured that the director of spiderman plans to shoot a new movie about it. So why is it banned? Stupid fuck. Secondly, why is it violent? May be the showa era, a bit of blood. But now got more CG and better choreograhed fights. So it is choreograhed fights, why is it violent? Then can banned every action films, banned every single violent movies, or even banned the existence of martial arts schools in china since it is all about fighting. Fuck them, don't they know these are essential? Imagine you got alien or kaijiu invading the town or earth, what you going to do? Throw shoes at them? Some more it is just a TV show with choreographed fights and CG, a TV show with morale values and TV shws that allow kids to hero-lise them, why not let them watch it? Fuck whatever is humiliating ultraman, fuck whatever is critising them and fuck those who fucks around ultraman.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Something to stress about.

Yeah, I still got to stress something that I had been concerning for months. The school is finally starting, next week to be exact. Seriously, ever since the secondary school to poly, that 6 months holiday, it is killing me to have a long holiday. Thank goodness there is a hong kong trip with the wushu peeps, or else I will rot at home. But because of this trip to HK, I'm closer to 5 other wushu peeps and even formed our own group. Glad that I've made more friends. Other than the school holiday being long, it is also very empty. I tried to keep myself busy, but it is still...empty. I don't know what's lacking, may be that thing? But what ever it is, I'm going to find it and solve it.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Friend test

I've made a test, see how much you know about me.

Create your own Friend Test here