This first movie that I caught with my bro, it is "bedtime stories". It is about a man, Skeeter, whose father operated and own a motel. But due to financial problem, he had to sell it, under the condition that skeeter have to run the hotel when he grows up. Well, skeeter did work in the hotel that was built after the person bought it, but he work as a plumber. One day he had to baby-sit his sister's children while she went out of town for a week. The kids are used to have bedtime story before the sleep. Skeeter told them one during the first night, the kid added sometime into the story, so the ending sounds happy. In the next day, skeeter found out that what ever was said in the story by the kids, it came true. On the same day, he got the chance of meeting the boss of the hotel. The boss said that the new hotel's theme and skeeter mentioned that the theme was outdated. The boss give him a shot, if he can come out with a better idea, he will be the manager of the new hotel. He decide to make use of the strange phenomenons that the bedtime story told to the kid to gain the position. Although in the end he got the position, he was fired moments later due to something(avoiding spoilers). I would now talk about the ending, it is predictable, what you expect from disney movie? Sad ending?
Second movie, yes man.

This movie is about a loner who says no to anything that comes to him, even his buddy asking him out. One day, his old classmae asked him to attend a seminar that ultimately changed his life, that is to say yes to everything that comes to him. Because of this, he finally found his love and finally got to become a sociable person, got into high rank in his bank office. Well, in the end, it is still a holiday movie and it has, of course, happy ending.
Basically, both movies are very funny, but they suffer the same error, jokes get old. This is very obvious in "Yes man", almost all the jokes had been used before. But, they are both very good movies, I give them 7/10 for "Bedtime stories" and 6.5/10 for "Yes man". Catch them if you got the chance, will give you a good laugh.
New post, I will review a series of movies starring my idol, donnie yen.