Thursday, December 11, 2008

Argh! pain!

Last sunday, I think I over exert a bit too much during the gym session, I injured my bi-sect(sp). Now it's ridiculously pain if I want to raise my hand higher than the shoulder height. *sigh, 2008 is almost over and this year hasn't been one of the worst year, but it wasn't one of the best. I lost a lot of things this year, I lost love, I lost friendship, not to mention twice. It's seems that I always don't get love, I always can't get a girlfriend that both of us love each other. I'm not being a "love-holic", but it's just too...lonely. I'm always so lonely, even though I always told my buddy that I will not love, martial art is the only thing. But deep down in my heart, I always want someone to love and someone to love me. Can you imagine how lonely to watch a movie alone, to go shopping alone, go playing alone and even walking alone? It's this emptiness that is enough swallow a whole person in and devour them. God, please grant me this small wish, I want to love someone and someone to love me...

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