Sunday, October 31, 2010

Depressed, depressed and more depressed

This is by far, my most depressed period in my entire life, it can be on par with the time when she said that to me 2 years ago. Every weekend when I booked out, I realised there are so many things to settle, there are so many more burden being put on my shoulder and many more problem arise once a problem was solved. What is happening to my life? I used to be in full control of my life, now my life being controlled by other people?

Ever since 26 of aug, my class faced the crisis of closing down, my right knee injury got worsen and I still can't walk properly for 1 month plus, possible starting of my career as a movie director blown, what else can there be to make my life worse? Oh, how about losing someone dear to you a week before? That's great...

Now, I spent my weekend dwelling in my own sorrow and depression. I need someone to bring me out of this abyss, I need something to help me solve all my problems, I need some methods to heal my leg. I don't ask for more, I just want my life to go back like what it used to be. I don't know if I can continue long enough or not.

Something inside me is changing, growing. I don't know what it is, but I can feel it and it's something negative. What is it......?

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