Sunday, June 14, 2009

Shopping with the stars

We had been talking that we need to go out and shop for some clothing, like a lot of the stars don't have much things to wear. So one day, we decide to go out and shop at far east after the training on the last friday. We went to my parent's stall and had our lunch/dinner first, then we head to far east via the bus no14. When we got there, we start to walk around to see what we can buy. Overall, wan ling bought the most, eileen bought a dress and one more thing which I forgot what it is, I bought a black long sleeve shirt. After that, it is too late to shop as a lot of the other shop we closing, so we went to subway and had some chat before heading home. I will make a short music video based on the 6 stars pictures soon, just wait for it arh. Next post, I will talk about the wushu training camp.

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