I haven't told anyone yet, but now beside taekwondo, I am now taking wushu, chinese martial arts. Today is the first day of my training, it seems to be harder than taekwondo. The warming up is already killing me, because this requires you to be flexible. I won't give up my taekwondo, I will train with both martial arts.
Last week just went for a character designing workshop, held in RP. I thought that I couldn't draw, which is always what I think. Who knows that it's actually kind of good.
WHY THE HELL AM I SO FUCKING UNLUCKY THIS FEW DAYS? Recently doing the flash thing, need to make a game out of it. No knowledge is one thing, I don't know how to draw characters of my game and so I asked my friend to draw for me since he is a part time artist. I got it yesterday, but guess what? I left it somewhere between bishan and admiralty!!! Great...J8 is big enough already and left alone admiralty. I went back to search for the sketching today and guess what's worse? I couldn't find it, now fuck it, I have to base on my memory of the characters to do it on flash.
Now I know the difficulty of making a game, let alone I have to do it alone. Now the deadline of the prototype is near, it means more sleepless night until that. After that submission of prototype, I have to make the full game. Now that is the real deal, so if you see a zombie with brown hair, walking around in rp, thats me. Fuck that shit...
Now I'm using flash to make a game for a CE activity and I need to say something before I can continue with it.
This thing is a goddamned motherfucking difficult CE activity, I mean why is it so fucking hard? I spent many nights without sleeping to do this shit. They gave us a project that we haven't learn how to do? What the fuck? Although they gave us tutorial links, but those tutorial don't do donkey dick, I still have to suffer my way through to do this shit. Anyone who knows how to make a game using flash, I need your help.
Whew...Well, after that venting out of frustration due to the difficulty I faced, it is time to go back for more programming.
Few days ago, I bought a new ultraman figure and it is definitely cool. It is ultraman max, you can pose it any way you want, it also can light up the eyes and the colour timer. Actually it is called power timer in the series, well, I just call it colour timer since it is a classic name for it. I took some pictures, do enjoy.
from the third picture, you can see that eye and colour timer are on, the colour timer are blinking. Cool, huh? Look at the crafting, they use rubber suit, just like in the series, for the "skin" of the figure, allow the figure to be able to pose without the restraint of the hard "skin" of the normal figure. The crafting is so perfect, it looks like the real thing, only if it were to be bigger. Next time I will edit a picture with this figure to make it looks like in the series. Vist my friendster to see more of them.
Ok, my idol. Seriously, in the past, I don't like to have any idol. I don't like the idea of chasing after a person. I mean, why so crazy about them? Idol, to me means that a person or something serve as an inspiration for you. So the idea was portrayed wrongly by the public. Yet, beside ultraman, I got 3 people as my idol. One is Tetsuya Normura, another is Kojima Hideo and the other one is donnie yen.
This guy is Kojima hideo, yeah, he looks a little old, but there is a reason for him to be my idol. He is a video game developer, I guess most people will heard about his name, if you were a console gamer. He is most famous for creating the "metal gear solid" and "boktai" game series. The metal gear solid game is one of the revolution thing he did when he made it. It was the first game to have VA(voice acting). I know in the SNES/SEGA CDmight have some voice acting, but this thing is different. In SNES/NES, it is voice cast, which means only a certain part of the game got voice. In CD, which to my knowledge, is a piece of shit, it wasn't called voice acting, because the game character are real people. Only some exceptional, but still just voice casting. In MGS, the entire game is voiced by real people, even in the gameplay. The grunt sound and other stuff. The sound effect are cool too. The game's story was fantastic that it was called among gamer as "game hollywood".
Boktai is also another new thing he made, it is the first game that uses sunlight to play. Yet, real sunlight, or UVray light bulbs if you have them. In this game, you play as a vampire slayer and sunlight is needed for power-up, defeating enemy easier, solve traps and purifying boss. It got a small chip for you to shine the sunlight on so that you can make the full use of it in the game. Here comes another bad thing of it, when it's raining or cloudy weather, you're screwed up. You can't play the game, so play when the sunlight is strong. You see, there is so much revolutionary stuff he made in gaming industry, there is no way he is not my idol.
This guy is Tetsuya nomura, he is also a game developer. He, in the early 90s and late 80s, did the monster designing for final fantasy series, but he wasn't quite well-know until final fantasy VII. His character design in FFVII is totally different from the previous 6 games, it's more detailed compared to the portrait style in the past by different person, whom I happened to forgot his name. His design in FFVII rise up a lot of comments, both negative and positive. Positive is justl ike what I said, negative is because some of the gamer prefer the portrait style as it was suit more to the series style. Although with the negative comments, Square(now was called square enix, SE) saw the potential in him and made him did the design for FFVIII, FFIX, FFX and FFXII. After seeing the good job he done for the company, he was given more authority, so he is now a director, character designer and other position. He name was burnt deeper into gamer by his creation of kingdom hearts, a game of combining both disney characters/movie and final fantasy characters along with original story line. He also directed the greatest movie ever(to me at least), final fantasy VII: advent children, those who watch it will know why.
He success hadn't stop yet, he is not in charge of directing final fantasy XIII: versus, character designing for all three FF in fabula crystallis project. Now, I think it is almost done. He is now in charge with more projects, the 3 Kingdom hearts spin-off on the 3 portable game console, PSP, NDS and mobile phone. You know what? He is only 37 and he got all these success story. Who one earth can have so much success at that age? Not that many I guess...That is why he is my idol, success stories. I studied game developing is because both of them, they inspired me.
I don't know how many of you know who is donnie yen, but he is definitely my idol. He is an actor/direct/action director from hong kong. He is well know in the early 90s by the movie "once upon a time in china 2", he fought with jet li using staffs and finally cloth staff.
That fight is still considered the best in martial arts movie until now. He then went on to make a lot of other movies and stuff, even oversea too. Some examples of them are blade 2 and stormbreaker. He then appear in more movies recently such as dragon tiger gate, SPL(killzone) and recently flash point.
dragon tiger gate
He is only 44 years old today and he still looks so young. To me, he definitely on tie with the "best martial art actor" with jet li. His punches and kicks are so fast, I think he can also be called "bruce lee no.2" He also win a lot of award, even from oversea. I am a martial artist too and one day I wish to be as strong as him. So, I must train harder to reach that goal.
Well, that is all for today, stay tune for more and a review of shitty game in the next few post.
After reading xvan previous post, lots of memories started to link to gather, starting to remember all things that was forgotten...or should I say, I want it to be forgotten...my grand father.
As soon as I know my own existence, my grand father was very caring about me. There isn't any one instant that I was left out by him, he is always by my side and taking care of me to the best he can. I cannot imagine how happy I am when I was with my grand father, I can feel the warmth in my heart, even when I was at the darkest time of my life, he is always there for me. Not only the caring that he showered on me, he is also a great chef, the coffee he made, not even blue mountain coffee can even reach that level. It might because the care I can taste and feel in the coffee. If want to ask why I love coffee, may be it is because I want something to remember my grand father, even though I try so hard to forget him.
Why I want to try to forget him? Because I don't want to feel lonely any more, I don't want to think that he is no longer beside me when I walk down my life path. Why? Why you have to leave me so soon? I want to be with you as long as I can, I want to show my care to you too. I even think of wanting you to carry your great-grandson. Why you have to leave me so soon? WHY....?
I want to tell everyone who is reading this post, no matter who you are or are you human. I want you people to know how to treasure your love and care one. Don't regret like me, after all the memories being linked back again, I remembered how I missed my grand father. In short, please treasure your love and care ones.
P.S: I wrote this post in tears of remembering my grand father.
I just went out and watch a movie called "the seeker: the rise of the dark". After reading/playing/watching so many titles talking about darkness and light, I supposed this movie is going to be good, but I was fucking wrong, why? Read the review below, beware of spoiler, those people who don't want spoiler, skip this section
The story is about there is a boy called will, he is the seeker, a person who holds the fate of all mankind. He has to find 6 different signs in order to restore the power of light and his strength as a seeker to fight the darkness. He is a normal boy before he discovered his destiny, an anti-social boy and kept getting bullied. Until the 4 elders of light came to him and told him his destiny, his life change. He had to travel through time to find the signs, while fighting the darkness, which also finding the sign to prevent the light being restored. I said fight, doesn't mean that they really fight, more like fighting for time to get the sign. There is then this servant of darkness, rider, searching for the sign while his power gets stronger day by day, unless will find all the signs, he cannot defeat rider.
Sounds good, about the story. Sorry to say that the story is one of the suckiest thing. Why would the elders unable to fight the servant of the darkness while they were to protect the seeker to fing the sign? They mention to rider that they are stronger than rider. But so far, I never see any of them own rider, instead that they got owned by darkness. There is nothing cool in the movie, the strength of the seeker wasn't convincing that he can't defeat dark and restore the light, the power seems VERY weak to do that huge task. The thing about rider's dark power getting stronger day by day, ok...What did he do to restore his power? He didn't do anything to restore the power of darkness in the movie, so he just get stronger by nature? What the fuck!? The last part of the movie is that will finally found the last sign, restored the light and defeat rider, defeating the darkness along with him. The is one of the part which I cannot accept, why defeating rider mean defeating the darkness? Isn't he just a servant? What makes a servant got such important role? I thought that when the rider restored his power, he will bring his master, which I think might be "the god of darkness" or "darkness lord/prince" or whatever that is strong, back to the world. That would be better, only if the restoring of light also bring in god or whatever, so that the 2 god will be fighting or something.
If you noticed, this movie don't have a good plot, everything just suddenly pop out of nowhere. It's not like death note or kindachi, you can guess what will happen next, but most likely your guess to be wrong. They made the movie too short to explain all the things, just like resident evil: extinction. But the plot of darkness and light is a good idea, they can produce very good story for games/books/movies/shows. Such example are kingdom hearts (which happened to be my all time PS2 game), ultraman tiga (light and darkness, it shows all the darkness can do and how light can be in everyone) and yugioh (hope, friendship vs hatred, anger) I would suggest not to watch this movie in cinema, not worth it to watch it in such high price. I wonder why so many bad movies are made? give us some good movies!!! Damn it!!!
Whew, got to cool down from that movie review, now is some random stuffs. I recently really broke liao lah, no money to change phone, which I said I wanted like few months back. Why? Because I bought somethings as a toku fan
Yeah, as you can see the pictures on the left and right, that are the 2 new henshin items I just bought. The one on the left might be familiar to you guys, it is "spark lens" from ultraman tiga, cost be $35. The one on the right is "evothruster" from ultraman nexus, cost me $25. The Picture in the middle is all my ultraman figures, the new ones are there too, the smallest one $5, the guy in black cloak is enpera seijin, $20. The one which is golden and transparent is nexus 2005 special edition, glitter, $35. You see, cost me a hundred already and there is still more to come. Although they cost a little higher, due to the "rarity", at least in singapore, but I love it. Ultraman, forever my hero; me, forever ultraman fan. Out of boredom and some of my maid's idea, I took other pictures too:
Ok, that's all, folks. Stay tune for more exciting life of mine(exciting????) and reviews.