First one will be D-wars, which is also called dragon wars. This movie was not shown in singapore, I just happened to find it in a shop and heard from a friend, so I bought it and watch it at home. Wow, holy shit, the graphic is good.
The story is about a legend. Every 500 years, an imoogi(serpent) which do lots of good deeds will be given the yuu-yi-joo(a pearl with magic), this pearl will allow them to turn into dragons and rise to heavan. 500 years ago, 1507, the deity afraid of the pearl get into the evil imoogi, thus they hide it into a girl in korea, then sent a warrior along his master to protect the girl. The pearl will get it's form at the age of 20, then the girl will give up her life to bring out the pearl for the imoogi. Unfortunately, the warrior and the girl fall in love with each other, while the evil imoogi came for the pearl, bringing it's army and destroyed the city. The warrior decide to bring the girl and escape, it defies their destiny. But the evil imoogi caught up with them, both of them commited suicide and the imoogi lost the pearl. In order to get the pearl, he has to wait for another 500 years. 500 years later, in LA. The warrior was reborned as a reporter and the girl reborned as a...well, I don't know, just a normal girl. The evil imoogi find it's chance and start chasing the girl and the reporter while he destroys anything in it's path, cars, buildings, everything. But the FBI found of about this legend and sent troops for the girl too(well, to kill her to prevent moe destruction.), the evil imoogi 's army kept them very busy because the human army can't win the serpent's army. To skip a lot, in the end the evil imoogi was killed because the good imoogi(which lost his chance to become a dragon 500 years ago), turned into a dragon(read above to find out the reason) and the story ends.
Well, summary for the plot, hope not too many spoilers. The graphic for the monsters and dragons are pretty good. Quite realistic, but somehow when it was a close up to the monster, the imoogi is pretty stand out, which means they don't know how to merge CG with real thing in a scene, got to work on it.
The movie is pretty good overall, but there are things that sucks. The scene where the army fights, well, the imoogi's army armed with armour, sword/axe/spear and a shield, but there are not blood nor wounds when it cuts the enemy. Same goes to the scene in 1507. The story is pretty lacking in this movie, everything was focused too much on the imoogi and it's army. It didn't explain how did the reporter and the girl fall in love? I mean, come on, who can fall in love while there is a horde of monster army coming after you and a huge serpent, that is big enough to swallow a whale? Even if it is possible, why the girl said something like "I will love you for all eternaty(sp)? It is not strong love I guess, the time is so short to develop such a strong love. In the US, the critic of this movie wasn't too good because of the storyplot, I agree.

Ok, the second movie, which I just watched it few hours ago. It is sky of love, I heard moved many people in Japan to tears. It was based on a cell-phone novel(very common in Japan). It is sad enough for me to go watch a love movie alone...
This summary will contain HUGE spoiler, so skip forward to the review if you don't want spoiler.
The movie start when a girl, mika, lost her cell-phone and found it in the library, the girl is surprised that all the messages and data were deleted, then a guy called her. Both of them started chatting all day long through the phone, both of them seems happy chatting with each other and this continues for the entire summer vacation. At the first day of the new semester, the guy, hiro, finally met her. At first mika though hiro is a thug because of his white hair. But soon she found out that he is actually pure in heart, both also found that they are in love with each other and then they were both a couple. But becoming an item attracts the jealousy from the ex-girlfriend of hiro, saki. Saki did something to mika and hiro promised that he will protect her forever. Well, revenge aren't just like that, saki did more sabotage on mika, but it was put to a stop by hiro...for a while. At one day, mika found out that she was pregnant, it was hiro's. She asked him out to a cafe a talk things out, hiro ran out right after hearing the news. A while later, he returned with baby products, he promised that he will take care of the baby and give happiness to mika and their child. Both of them convince hiro's parents, but some trouble with mika's parents. He even went to dye his hair black and cut it short, sincere huh? Saki's revenge was not over yet, she do rough things on mika, which ends up mika's miscarriage(sp). Both hiro and mika was heart broken, they promised each othe to return to the spot where they met face to face for the first time, to pray for their dead child. 2nd year of high school(JC in singapore), Hiro stop turning up to class and reply to mika's messages. Mika finally went to his house with her friend to attend a party at hiro's home...room exactly. Mika found out that hiro is actually dating other girl and then they broke off. They became like stranger even when they crossed path in school, well, at least hiro did that. Every year christmas eve, mika went to pray for her child, found out that there are offering(baby glove) and a snow man(something like a tomb-stone for their child), it seems that hiro did come. Finally mika graduated from high school and attend an university, she was dating other guy too, but she still visit her child every year. She found out that hiro DID come visiting their child, they crossed path once again, but this time hiro seems not very well. Mika knew that she still love hiro, but she cannot forget the guy she is dating currently. She knew that even if she goes with hiro, nothing going to change. The following year, the guy finally proposed to mika before mika visit her child and mika agreed. At her child "grave", she saw a man, but not hiro, it's his good friend. The friend said out all the truth, hiro broke up with her 4 years ago because he was dignosed(sp) that he got cancer. Hiro is fighting with cancer and waiting for mika, he never forget her, because he is still wearing the couple ring. The guy asked her to go back to hiro, because they are still loving each other a lot. Mika went back and spent the rest of the time with hiro until hiro finally passed away.
Whew, like typing out the whole story sia. But this movie is great, although it is sad for me to watch it alone, this movie should be watched with couple. Ok, the story is very good, everything is in detailed, no confusion. The actors are pretty good too, they brought out the feeling well. This movie is indeed touching, even a cold blooded person like me tears, the movie is so saddening, touching and loving. The only thing I want to complain is nothing to do with the movie, why in the world's name I watch this movie alone and not with a girlfriend?
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