Normally people will start to say, "isn't ghostbusters a cartoon that got made into a movie?" Wrong, ghostbusters got a cartoon series because it is so success, it was made into a cartoon that ran for 7 seasons and a lot of action figures. Let's get started on the review, ok?

Ghostbusters, the theme song was a big hit at that time too and still I love the theme song. Basically, the plot start with 3 university professor, researching on paranormal stuff and finally got their first encounter in the library. They were egon, the scientific guy, ray, always energetic and peter, the guy with the heart of calm. When they met the ghost, they can't do anything but run since the ghost is angry. Well, after that, they were chased out of the university because of the lack of operating funds for their department. With their reseach and the first experience, they go into bussiness themselves of the ghostbusting career. At first they didn't get much customers, until a women named dana approach them for some paranormal help. That gives them a little more fund to prolong the bankcrupcy. Finally they got their first ghostbusting work and there they go, drive the ecto-1 and head to the hotel. Although they have the equipment, the ghost trap and the proton packs, they never actually test it before. Whoa, luckily I'm not the first customers. They went through the humourous way and finally got the ghost. That is when their career got picked up and they became celebrity.
Cut all the way to the end, it's too long to write out all the plot. They reseach a lot and then found out that the multiple appearance of ghost is because of the arrival of a destruction god. They got the god eliminated and save NYC.
I can't find anything that is bad about this movie, the movie is 130 minutes long and I laugh 125 minutes, the 5min is credit. The special effects are cool, in fact, the CG inside sometime don't look like from the 80s, more like from the current time. The jokes inside never repeat, everytime there is a joke, it is totally new. So I laugh my way throughout the movie.
There is a sequel to it, ghostbusters II. To cut short, this is a good movie too, but not as good as the first one. If you all can get to see this 2 movies, I recommend you to do so, it is really nice.
One thing I want to complain about, nothing related to the film. Will there be a ghostbusters III? Well, if there are home alone 3, psycho 3, spiderman 3, free willy 3, a bunch of sequels to scary movie, america pie that rape the ass of hollywood, I don't see the reason of not having ghostbusters 3.
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