Yes, this is "rule #01". From the producer or director of the maid. Talk about "the maid", I had one simple complain of that movie. Why doesn't the dead maid the main ghost that appears in the movie? Instead, make way for a random maid got shadowed by the shadow of the coffin, then she just ran like 5km just to jump off a building to die. I mean, what the hell? There are a lot of high rise buidling in singapore, so why does she has to run so fucking far, just to commit suicide? That's bullshit.
The movie starts off by seeing a low ranked police giving fine to a driver who didn't tie safety belt. Then he checked the back of the car and discovered a dead girl body, suddenly the drive brokes out with a gun and shoot all limbs with a bullet, before he shoot at the head, the police and the the driver saw the back of the car rises and the girl sits up. The police then shoots the driver in the head and faints.
After he woke up and return to his post, the superior put him to a new department. It is miscellaneous affairs department, basically this department handle shits like ghostly stuff. This department is sad, only 3 staff, the police(let's call him A), his superior(let's call him B) and a adminstration staff.
So what this department do, you can never imagine police do all these shit. The department, handle ghost stuff, if a human or more people were possessed, they shoot them in the head. In the movie, it explains that once the ghost possessed someone, just a simple touch can possess another person and then control the body. What happened to the body previously, do they return to normal? No, their souls were shattered and left only an empty shell. Everything was done in secret, so no one ever saw a police going around shooting the possessed.
At the end of the movie, A got possessed by the driver he shoot at the beginning of the movie, through many plans from the driver's ghost. At the end, A shot B in the head and now he got the whole department under his control.
Ok, enough of the summarising. This movie is not bad for a horror movie, although the scary parts suck quite hard, because it is the worst scaring scenes I ever seen in my life. Most of the ghosts are just random wondering ghosts you can see on the streets, provided if you can see ghosts.
The story, yes, the story is pretty good for horror movie. There is actually a plot, a fucking plot, explaining why the ghost to do stuff to the living. Yet, it is very boring at the beginning of the movie, just like in the Jaw movie, the early part got too many dialouge, so many that I don't even want to count them. After A met his first ghost encounter as a police in that department, that is where the plot starts to brings up the hype of the audiences. Although having a decent plot, the ending sucks. I bet most of my friends don't understand the ending including me, until I analyse the whole movie after I got home and then tell them. Seriously, I have to get into the detail of the movie, analyse the plot and then come out of the explanation how the ending goes. Well, once you understand the ending, it's actually not that bad of an ending.
Actors....sigh*. I had only one complain of this thing, why the hell fiona xie got so little scenes in the movie? Why is there so fucking little scene she's in there? On the poster and the credit, you'll see "starring blahblahblah, fiona xie". Starring fiona xie? So why she appear so much lesser than other characters which are starring them too?
Another thing I find weird is the reason of why the police want to kill the possessesd? I mean, since the police dealing with ghost, that means the govt also admit the existence of paranormal phantasm. Sure that there is a way of getting ghost out of the body than killing them, may be they can co-operate with religion groups to deal with these cases. Another thing that I find it familiar of the police going around, shooting the possessed, it reminds me something from the past. Well, those who watch a lot of older movies and born around or before my time, you know what movie I'm talking about. Yes, ghostbusters...

A group of people running around the city, blasting ghost and then catch them. So the ghostbusters can invent gadgets to catch ghost, why not the government or the police? Talking about ghostbusters, the next post will be review on ghostbusters.
Overall, this movie is not bad, it's worth to watch it in cinema.
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