This is the first movie of the trilogy. The movie started off by Indiana(let's call him indy) venturing into some tribal ruins with an aquaintance. At the end of the venturing through traps and deadly spiders in the ruins, he finally got the idol of in the ruin, but soon being grabbed away by one of his competitors, belloq. Indy escaped from the chasing tribe people and return to the states empty handed. In the Uni that he taught in, he met 2 army intelligence, who told him that the nazi is looking for the ark of the covenant for great power. One of the key person is indy's former teacher. Indy flew all the way to nepal to find his teacher, but instead he found his former lover, marion, who is the daughter of his teacher. After a gun fight in the var of marion's, he got marion to go to egypt, which is said that the location of the ark is at. With the help of his friend and many puzzle solving, gun fights and chasing, indy found the ark, but was again taken away by belloq. Chasing after the nazis' submarine, they reach an isolated island for a ritual to open the ark. Surprisingly, marion was being captured by the nazis and held hostage, indy has no choice to give in and follow them to the altar. At the altar, belloq conduct the ritual and open the ark. What was inside the ark is very surprising, I think it is something that's powerful, it eliminates all the nazi soldier over there, belloq and the commander. Only indy and marion survived because they did not look at the ritual, so the power inside the ark didn't kill them. Indy brings the ark back to the states, the army lied to indy that the ark is under researching, but it was being stored in a warehouse that contain multiple supernatural artifacts...

This movie is a good one, puzzle solving and jokes, it has everything that you want in a movie. Regarding of the action part, I think still can be improved, like the punches didn't make contact. Some might not notice it or care about it, but I care and noticed it, so it can be improved. I'll give 4 star for this movie.

Second movie, indiana jones and the temple of doom. This is a prequel to "raider of the lost ark", it started off in shanghai, where indy found the remain of the first manchu emperor for his client. But it seems that the client don't intend to pay indy, a huge diamond. In the end, a gun fight happens and then indy was poisoned by the drink he just drank. He mananged to grab the antidote from the client and then grab the girlfriend of the client as hostage to escape. Indy and the girlfriend, wilie drop onto indy's side kick, short round's car and then escape to the airport. They boarded the train, never noticed that it is the client's company plane. The pilot parachute off the plane while indy and the company was taking a nap. Indy woke up and decide to land on the ground, using inflatable boat with willie and short round. They noticed that they were in india and was in a village which all the kids were being grabed by the king in the castle of pankot, along with the village sankara stone. Indy in order to repay them, he decide to head into the castle. Upon reaching the castle, indy meet many officials and royals, including a british navy captain. After many investigation, he found out that the castle is the fortress to a cult, doing human sacrifices. Even indy got brainwashed and nearly brought willie to sacrifing, until short round woke him by torching him a bit. Indy in the end escaped the castle by a mine trolly track with willie and short round, then encounter the chief of the cult at a hanging bridge, which has dozens of crocs under the it. Doing something crazy, he cut off the bridge supporting rope and managed to get the chief down into the river, resulting into being torn apart. The british navy later then came in to arrest the rest of the cult member. Indy return to the village with the kids and the sankara stone, happy ending....
This is one of the not so good indiana jones movie. All the other movies, indy fly from countries to countries looking for the artifact. But this movie is just in a castle saving kids, not find artifacts. It is still good, but not really good when compared to the other indiana jones movie, just a bit too goofy. I will give 3 star for this movie.

Third movie, indiana jones and the last crusade. The movie start off by explaining how indy got his hat, I wonder what has it got to do with the plot? I know that the hat is one of the most important thing of indy, but why need to explain it? Anyway, indy was still looking for artifacts and all, until a man told him that indy's father disappear when looking for the holy grail and the nazi seems to be involved in the disappearing, Indy is determine to find his father. First start off at venice, he discover the clue and then head to germany for an important diary to get to the location of the holy grail, he found his father along the way too. Just like the normal Indiana jones movie, indy got held by the nazis as well as his father and sallah, the man that helped indy to find the ark. Indy have to solve the puzzle in the ruins that contains the holy grail. He solved it along with the nazi commander, enter the chamber that contain the grail. Only one grail is the correct one, drinking the holy water with the wrong grail will result to death. The commander chose the wrong one and indy has to pick one. Of course he choose the correct one, using it to save his father who suffer from fatal gun wound. If the grail left the seal of the temple, the temple will collapse and the effect of the holy grail will fade. That is what happened, resulting all the nazis to crash in the temple, left indy and his company alive...
This is so called the last of the trilogy of indiana jones. This is a good movie, a good end for the trilogy. The love of father and son, the action scene(excluding hand to hand combat) and jokes, all was enchenced from the first one, making it one of the most perfect movie ever. I give it 4.5 stars.
Next movie reviews, let you guess, a few recent movies.
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