This 2nd movie start after the event after rocky 1. Rocky decide to retire from boxing and marry adrian. But he soon have to find a job because his prize money can't last, but nothing turns out good and so he have to go back to boxing against adrian's will. Eventually adrian passed out due to over work and nearly misscarriage(sp?). He actually wanted to rematch with apollo, but he is not in the mood now. Finally adrian woke up and gave rocky the encouragement. Rocky went back to training once again and then the rematch, he win by KO.
The movie basically is a further development of each character, which is a good thing. One thing bad that is the punches don't come close to make a contact, which make the fight less realistic.

rocky 3, this movie start off rocky going on a winning spree. Everyone that challenged him lost and he retain his title, heavy weight champion of the world. But he was challenged by a boxer named clubber lang. Rocky accepted challenge, but mickey, his trainer + manager suddenly fall due to heart failure. Rocky can't concentrate during the fight and thus he was KO'ed. After the match, a bit of talking with mickey and mickey dies. Rocky sudden lost of his dearest mentor, friend, manager and teacher, made him unable to train well for the rematch. Apollo appears and decide to train rocky, because he don't want the rocky that previously beat him to fall. Rocky took a while to over come the phobia of losing and finally trained up for the rematch. The rematch ended with rocky emerge winning and regain his title.

This movie is the one that pick up the series, especially the fight, which is perfect for boxing. First time that is the entire fight is shown, not overlayed.

Next one, rocky 4. This movie start off about the same time after rocky 3, everything is just as per normal, until a visit of a boxer, Ivan drago, from USSR, which means soviet union back in a few decades ago. This boxer is here for a challenge with some good boxer, the patriotic apollo rise up for the challenge. But this soviet boxer is a monster, he KO'ed apollo within a few rounds like nothing, ending up apollo died after the match. Rocky, after witnessing his best friend's death, he decide to challenge drago for a match, also a revenge for apollo. He went to a mountain in soviet union for training, since he is going to do the rematch over there. He was finally going to the match after getting he support from adrian, who at first don't want him to go to the match since it won't change the fact that apollo is dead. I won't go much about the fight, it is just like the normal rocky movie, the fight is overlay, but it is definitely great fight.

This movie is so far my favourite in the series, the concept of the USA and the soviet union is brilliant. Not to mention that in the end, rocky gave a speech about break the wall between the 2 nation. This movie was said that ended the cold war between the 2 countries, I wonder if that is true or not.

Rocky 5, it started, again, straight after the event of rocky 4. It seems that there is some problem with rocky after the match with drago, he isn't feeling quite well. When he got back to the states, he was diagnosed that he has permernant brain damage, which is common for boxer. This spells the end to his boxing career. Not only that, most of his money were being stolen away by an accountant. Now he is back to square one, he resulted living in his older apartment again. He still can't get over with boxing, so he went back to mickey's gym to be as an instructor. Now a man named tommy gunn appear, saying that he is a fan of rocky and wished to be like him, going over the limit. After much talking, rocky finally decide to be his manager and trainer. Tommy win many matches, but he still can't get to the top, heavy weight champion. Until a crook see the opportunity of tommy, money of couse. He sweet talked tommy and tommy in the end abandoned rocky for his career. Tommy indeed got his championship and gain the title, but he was not respected like rocky did. In order to get his respect, he think he has to beat rocky. He went to the bar that rocky visit often, he challenged rocky and rocky fights him. This isn't a ring fight, this is a sreet fight, tommy in the end lost and got arrested for causing trouble.
This is the worst rocky movie in my sense, rocky don't have any action in it except the last scene. Which makes the main character not rocky. The story telling also bad, I guess it is because that the director is not slvester stallone. Something also being weird, when rocky left the states for the match, his son is like only 7 or 9 years old. When he returned, miraclly that his son now is a teenager, what happened to this director? Is he s fucking idiot?

Last one, rocky balboa. This movie starring the same character as the previous few movies. Rocky now don't fight any more, I think it's because his wife is now gone, dead. Rocky doesn't have any more encouragement. He now run a restaraunt, bears the name "adrian". His son now works in a company, but it is because of his father, the famous rocky. His friends also look at him differently just because he is the son of rocky. One day, the media put on a CG fight of rocky and the current heavy weight champ, mason dickson. The CG fight turns out that Rocky won, this make everyone curious about the actual fight results. Rocky now decide to fight one last time. He have to train extra harder, since he is no longer young. 60 years old, what you expect? During the fight, the age difference did show the result, rocky kept getting the punches. At the second round, it proves that will still can surpass skills. Rocky punch dickson a lot of times and even him say that rocky got bricks in his gloves. In the end, dickson won the fight by the split decision from the judges.

This movie is one of the most hyped movies ever, 1) rocky is one of the best movie ever made, but it ended at the early 90s. 2) Rocky movie is a connection between people of different generation, I am one of them. I recomment people to go watch the rocky movies, they are just simply great. You can leave out rocky 5, since it is a piece of shit, even stallone said so.
Next review, another great movie series. Indiana Jones.
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