Sunday, February 10, 2008


like I said in the previous post, robbery is the most concern issue I think of when going to malaysia. You guys guess what happened? Our car was almost smashed when we were eating dinner on the first day. On the first day, we went to a shop for dinner with my grandmother, at first my father want to park the car at one corner which my uncle recommended. My father at first want to do that too, but my mother and I convinced my father to park at the front of the shop because that corner is too dark. What happened after the dinning? My uncle's car was smashed and the items inside were stolen. If we didn't convince my father to park at other place, I guess that our stuff will be stole and all those are much valuable because everything of our's are in the car.

See, I already predicted all those. So who ever is reading this, better be careful of robbery or anything other stuff.

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